Hello there, my name is Tim, and i will be the Lebron James of Ohio sports blogs from this day forward. Let me start by giving you a little background on why I am absolutley facinated with Ohio's sports teams. I was born near Cincinnati in 1981, and i lived with my grandparents. My grandpa got me interested in baseball at a very early age, and we would go out back and play catch, and go to Reds games, also I think we watched every televised Reds game and radio brodcasts. I can remember going to Riverfront Stadium to see the Reds vs. Cardinals (yuk!) when i was about 6. It was the coolest thing I had ever seen in my short life up to that point. I was convinced that nothing else in my years ahead would come close to that experience, you never forget your first time going to a game. However, it would not be my last by any means. I have spent the last 23 years of my life going back to those stadiums for any concievable reason I can come up with. This blog will be my outlet to glamourize the sports teams that have made my life so enjoyable, and hopfully my enthusiasim will draw all of you in as well.